30 Days of Gratitude - Day 4
Over the last few days, we have discussed what gratitude is, how to keep a gratitude journal, and who we can show gratitude for. Today, let's talk about why gratitude is important. For me, expressing gratitude helps to take the focus off of me and my sometimes selfish desires and wants, to focus on others. Displaying this type of gratitude helps us to shift the focus on to the things that are going well in our lives and to those individuals that we appreciate. Gratitude can also help us to develop healthy relationships and improve our existing relationships as we consistently show appreciation through gratitude. Gratitude is also important because it helps us to expand our hearts to be more thankful for what we do have and less on what we think we do not have.
Today, spend some time reflecting on why gratitude is important for you. You can write about this in your gratitude journal as you add one more item to your daily gratitude list. If you have not done so already, join me on this 30-day Gratitude Journey.
With a Grateful Heart,
Dr. Daphne