31 Days of Joy - Day 13 - Scents of Joy

There is no better scent for me than the smell of my mother and grandmother baking cakes. It smelled of love and happiness rolled in a delicious sweetness. My favorite is the smell of the house when my mother is baking a German Chocolate Cake. You can almost smell the chocolate as soon as you get to the front door to the house. The closest I have come to that smell is a candle called Dear Santa from the local candle shop. When I light that candle and let it's smell permeate my home, I get that feeling of love and smell of joy from my mother baking.
On day 13, give your nose a little workout and note what smells bring you joy, and fill your home with those smells this holiday season and as often as you can.
Filled with Joy,
Dr. Daphne