31 Days of Joy - Day 17 - Joy of Receiving

A few days ago, we discussed the joy of giving and how being generous and giving to others can bring happiness and fulfillment in our lives. Giving connects back to the discussion we had on faith and believing because when we give, we are trusting and having faith that our own needs will be met, so we give from a place of love and generosity.
While we understand that we should be giving towards one another and the joy that it brings, we also have to be able to receive from others. Receiving brings joy to us as well. What are we receiving, you may ask? We are receiving those things that we have been having faith for and believing in. We are receiving the good we are putting out in the world. We are receiving the joy that comes from receiving good things in our lives.
On day 17 of 31 Days of Joy, let's be open to the joy of receiving all the good that are coming our way.
Filled With Joy,
Dr. Daphne