5 Weeks to a New Beginning
Each new year is a time to begin a new and start over. The new year signals a new beginning and is a good time to create or uncreate the conditions you want and the life you truly you want to live. This first day of the new year, is a great time to spend some time in self-reflection. Reflect on who you are, what values and beliefs you hold, and how you see yourself. This self-reflection can lead to determining how you want your life to look. Find a place in your home where you can sit quietly with your eyes closed and get a clear picture of how you want your life to look. This can include who the people are that you want in your life, what things make you happy, how you are living, what your house looks like, what you want your career to look like, how you want your finances to look; visuallize as clear a picture as possible.
This self-reflection and visualization will lead you to the goals to set for yourself for this year. I suggest setting 3-5 goals so you are not overwhelmed. I recommend goals in the following categories: personal, professional, career/employment, financial, health. As you set your goals include a date to complete them and 3-5 actions steps to help you chunk down your goals into action items to help you in achieving them. Journaling and/or writing these things down will help you remember what your intention is for the year and give you a written guide to review to ensure you are working towards your goals.
Join us over the next 5 weeks for the New Beginning series and start living the life you truly desire.
Cheers to a New Beginning,
Dr. Daphne